前日在翻阅MSGINA的信息的时候,无意中看到了关于如何定制MSGINA的一些文章,其中有一篇 The Essentials of Replacing the Microsoft Graphical Identification and Authentication Dynamic Link Library其中提到
Disabling Domain Option of Logon Dialog Box
It is possible to disable the domain option on the dialog box brought up by WlxLoggedOutSas. To do this, set the registry value NoDomainUIof type [Reg_Dword] to a value of 1. This would have users enter their user names in the form?for example, username@domain.
REG ADD "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Winlogon" /V NoDomainUI /T REG_DWORD /D 1 /F
噢,这个reg 在windows xp and windows 2k3下是可以直接执行的,大家完全可以将它做成计算机启动脚本来批量部署,这下大家满意了吧
Loading the GINA
Winlogon loads the GINA DLL by first calling GetProfileStringto retrieve the name of the GINA DLL, which is located in HKLM//Software//Microsoft//WindowsNT//CurrentVersion//Winlogon//GinaDLL
The actual path of the Winlogon key is:
/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Winlogon.
The [REG_SZ]value type makes it convenient to query the key values using the GetProfileString and GetProfileInt functions.
Key value name Contents
LegalNoticeCaption The string to display as the caption of the Legal Noticedialog box
LegalNoticeText The string to display as the message of the Legal Noticedialog box
Value Contents
AutoAdminLogon 1
AutoLogonCount The number of times to do an automatic logon
DefaultUserName The name of the user account
DefaultDomainName The name of the domain that the user account is in
DefaultPassword The password of the user account, in clear text
上面的那篇文章,哪位感兴趣的可以翻译一下,投到winmag ,没准编辑们就用了呢,呵呵!
前日在翻阅MSGINA的信息的时候,无意中看到了关于如何定制MSGINA的一些文章,其中有一篇 The Essentials of Replacing the Microsoft Graphical Identification and Authentication Dynamic Link Library其中提到
Disabling Domain Option of Logon Dialog Box
It is possible to disable the domain option on the dialog box brought up by WlxLoggedOutSas. To do this, set the registry value NoDomainUIof type [Reg_Dword] to a value of 1. This would have users enter their user names in the form?for example, username@domain.
REG ADD "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Winlogon" /V NoDomainUI /T REG_DWORD /D 1 /F
噢,这个reg 在windows xp and windows 2k3下是可以直接执行的,大家完全可以将它做成计算机启动脚本来批量部署,这下大家满意了吧

Loading the GINA
Winlogon loads the GINA DLL by first calling GetProfileStringto retrieve the name of the GINA DLL, which is located in HKLM//Software//Microsoft//WindowsNT//CurrentVersion//Winlogon//GinaDLL
The actual path of the Winlogon key is:
/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Winlogon.
The [REG_SZ]value type makes it convenient to query the key values using the GetProfileString and GetProfileInt functions.
Key value name Contents
LegalNoticeCaption The string to display as the caption of the Legal Noticedialog box
LegalNoticeText The string to display as the message of the Legal Noticedialog box
Value Contents
AutoAdminLogon 1
AutoLogonCount The number of times to do an automatic logon
DefaultUserName The name of the user account
DefaultDomainName The name of the domain that the user account is in
DefaultPassword The password of the user account, in clear text

上面的那篇文章,哪位感兴趣的可以翻译一下,投到winmag ,没准编辑们就用了呢,呵呵!